LMIC-1.51 fitting in Arduino Atmega 328
I made a new commit o GitHub this morning. For avr (Atmega) architecture the excryption module is using PROGMEM to get another 256 butes of memory. of course for other architectures (ESP8266 and...
View ArticleRome, Italy
Ciao giovanni sono Massimo come possiamo entrare in contatto magari per fare esperienze su lora insieme
View ArticleRome, Italy
Ciao Massimo, contattami privatamente a questo indirizzo lorawan@trashmail.com e vediamo se riusciamo a fare qualcosa.
View ArticleLMIC-1.51 fitting in Arduino Atmega 328
AFAICS all the libraries referenced are based on my initial port of the LMIC library. I've been (finally) cleaning up my port last week (integrating all code from @tftelkamp's version). As part of...
View ArticleLMIC-1.51 fitting in Arduino Atmega 328
matthijs: Sketch uses 22,762 bytes (70%) of program storage space. Global variables use 1,001 bytes (48%) of dynamic memory. I was cheating a bit there: Those figures are with class B support, OTAA /...
View ArticleLMIC-1.51 fitting in Arduino Atmega 328
Hi @matthijs how do I disable Class B support in LMIC? (same question for OTAA?) thx! OTAA looks quite simple (DISABLE_JOIN), but class-B is unclear to me ` // Uncomment this to disable all code...
View ArticleLMIC-1.51 fitting in Arduino Atmega 328
Class-B is basically just beacon tracking and pinging, so that's what I meant when I said "disable Class B".
View ArticleSPN version of the Kerlink IoT gateway
Hello, can any one give me some technical parameter of WIRNET 868 or WiRNET SPN?Thank you.
View ArticleRussian TTN community
Hi, all! Russian-speaking users, welcome to Russian global TTN community!
View ArticleAPI Broken
Looks like someone has deleted the .css files from the api framework. I'm seeing 404 errors fro all the .css files. for example...
View ArticleAPI Broken
I noticed too, but the nice thing is it seems like its flying now Last weeks performance became worse, but somehow it seems to have improved since yesterday, not sure if it is related. I saw mention...
View ArticleAPI Broken
Recent issues with the database impacted not only the API but also the regular thethingsnetwork.org website because they were running under the same Django project. Yesterday we decided to split the...
View ArticleSeattle, Washington
Really fascinated and interested in this network and the potential seems to be nearly endless. I believe Seattle is not only a tech capital of the world, but culturally and geographically diverse...
View ArticleAPI Broken
Also, there is some caching now (60s for /gateways and /nodes, 10s for others) to prevent overloading with those heavy queries on the prototype setup There's still no data limit nor query...
View ArticleLMIC-1.51 fitting in Arduino Atmega 328
I did a bunch of experiments with different AES implementations today. There seems to be a lot of opportunity to save on flash space by switching to a different AES implementation. I tried these:...
View ArticleAPI Broken
Will the IP address for the backend change? If so timely communication would be appreciated so we can update configs (MultiTech) and restart forwarders...
View ArticleRN2483 433MHz problems
I'm trying to use the RN2483 on 433MHz - but its not playing ball. All I seem to get is the "invalid_param" message back when I try to set frequency. Setting frequency in the 868MHz band works fine....
View ArticleTTN UNO - BETA release - Documentation
Hello All , Is it Possible to transmit and receive the special characters with RN2483 Microchip..ex:radio tx @ radio tx # radio tx % radio tx $ like... i tried so far but i am getting " invalid_param"...
View ArticleTTN UNO - BETA release - Documentation
@divum123 the rn2483 expects you sending bytes in HEXadecimal format.. so for example sending a '$' sign would be (the ascii value of $ is 36, so that's 24 in hex) radio tx 24 .. sending '#/%' would...
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