RN2483 433MHz problems
I would expect you need to pause LoRaWAN (mac pause) to issue radio commands (data sheet 2.4.6). To set the frequency for LoRaWAN you should probably use mac set ch commands. Also, which version of...
View ArticleRN2483 433MHz problems
here you can download the 1.0.0 firmware: http://www.virtualbreadboard.com/download/LoRaDevelopmentGUI_v1.0BetaJC.zip
View ArticleAPI Broken
The IP address for the HTTP API ( thethingsnetwork.org/api/v0/...) will change, but that is handled by DNS, so you shouldn't notice anything. The IP address for croft will not change.
View ArticleLMIC-1.51 fitting in Arduino Atmega 328
@matthijs these benchmarks were tested on an 8mhz AVR?
View ArticleAPI Broken
htdvisser: so you shouldn't notice anything. Depends on configuration and DNS caching implementation I think?
View ArticleAPI Broken
Of course we will keep the API on the old server running until we're sure the TTL on the DNS record expired.
View ArticleAthens, Greece
Vageli, its a single-channel DIY hack/gateway.. for testing purposes.you will have to wait a few more days for the real thing Manolis
View ArticleLMIC-1.51 fitting in Arduino Atmega 328
I've updated my post above to include aes-min, which seems like a good alternative implementation with a compatible license, as well as AVR-AES, which is very small and fast on the AVR architecture,...
View ArticlePulsnitz, Germany
Hi, First things first: I moved to Pulsnitz these days, so now I'm just waiting for the gateway to start experimenting Nice to hear that someone from within Dresden already has nodes but in fact I...
View ArticleRN2483 433MHz problems
Thanks Guys - I tried "mac pause" - it didn't seem to help then I update the firmware to 1.0.0 and that fixed it (It had been 0.9.5). It did take a few goes to get the update done - the window crashed...
View ArticleSetting up Multitech Conduit Gateway for TTN
I am at a loss here - I followed the instructions as per http://thethingsnetwork.org/wiki/Installing-your-Multitech-mLinux-Conduit .What I now get is this: root@mtcdt:/etc#...
View ArticleSetting up Multitech Conduit Gateway for TTN
I think you may have uncommented the comment! it should read: #start packet forwarder start-stop-daemon --start --background etc....
View ArticleSetting up Multitech Conduit Gateway for TTN
Thank you! That was it!Now has anyone got any tips to set up the mDot card? I haven't tested it at all yet...
View ArticleSetting up Multitech Conduit Gateway for TTN
Anyone know what range a Multitech will have in real life? I have set it at 5 km on the community page, but it seems quite a lot to me... Why is there a micro USB connector on the mDot Developer kit?...
View ArticleSilently Truncating the Email Address Username
Thanks for the tip. I'll make my contribution but reducing the frustration of those with email addresses longer than 30 characters trying to register with this, and I suspect, all other Discourse...
View ArticleSmallest expected node
@arjanvanb @niels The Fastloc GPS gives 3bytes (sat# + RSSI) per satellite, with a maximum of 12 satellites per acquirement. We currently use 8 sats (24bytes) per measurement as we found it enough to...
View ArticleSoftware Defined Radio and The Things Network
What are your thoughts on the opportunities and considerations with regards to software defined networking and The Things Network. For example related to what these guys do? http://sodera.org Love to...
View ArticleSetting up Multitech Conduit Gateway for TTN
Andrew: so my mDot and developer board is working. I tried your program. It says here uint8_t NetworkAddr[4]= {0x02,0x01,0x00,0x00}; // Our Network address or Node ID Now I used a node id of 02990000...
View ArticleSetting up Multitech Conduit Gateway for TTN
Use: uint8_t NetworkAddr[4]= {0x02,0x99,0x00,0x00}; // Our Network address or Node ID then look at http://thethingsnetwork.org/api/v0/nodes/02990000/ Which seems to already have a message there. Andrew
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