I am at a loss here - I followed the instructions as per http://thethingsnetwork.org/wiki/Installing-your-Multitech-mLinux-Conduit .
What I now get is this:
root@mtcdt:/etc# /etc/init.d/lora-network-server restart
Stopping lora-network-server: OK
Found lora card MTAC-LORA-868
Starting lora-network-server: /etc/init.d/lora-network-server: line 62: start: command not found
The odd thing is, the system works just fine and the gateway shows up at http://thethingsnetwork.org/api/v0/gateways/
The log also shows no errors.
These are the relevant contents of lora-network-server
echo -n "Starting $NAME: "
mkdir -p $run_dir
# start network server
#start-stop-daemon --start --background --make-pidfile \
# --pidfile $net_server_pidfile --exec $net_server -- \
# -c $conf_file --lora-eui $lora_eui --lora-path $run_dir --db $conf_db \
# --noconsole -l $net_server_log
#sleep 2
start packet forwarder
start-stop-daemon --start --background --make-pidfile \
--pidfile $pkt_fwd_pidfile --exec $pkt_fwd -- \
-c $conf_dir -l $pkt_fwd_log
echo "OK"
I replaced $conf_dir/1 by $conf_dir as well, maybe somewhere I have to add the /1 back in the file?