Raspberry Pi LoRaWAN Gateway Board
Hi folks, I'm glad @nestorayuso found our script and adapted it for the Links Lab board! The main difference is that the pinout doesn't match the one we defined for the iC880A one, that's likely the...
View ArticleArduino with xbee shield + mDot
hey Andrew, thanks for the help,serial monitor not happy yet to test, yes im using arduino uno, I did Easiest way to test functionality is to use a blank sketch (no Serial.begin) and just open the...
View ArticleSeattle, Washington
Yes! I'm sure it won't be hard to find more folks from Seattle to contribute.
View ArticleTTN UNO - BETA release - Documentation
I am using the same guide and the same code but it seems to get stuck in while(!lora.available()){delay(100);} everytime. I've doublechecked the connections. Could it be a problem with how it is...
View ArticleLoRa module interfacing with beaglebone
Hi all, I am facing problem with RN2483 which is a LoRa module when connected with beaglebone. As what I searched, using this module with arduino or raspberry pi requires few libraries but couldnt...
View ArticleLoRa module interfacing with beaglebone
What program are you using to connect to the serial port of the RN2483? Have you found out at what serial port the RN2483 is (use dmesg). The "command not found" can come from a plain shell. If you...
View ArticleREST API: get your node data
Dear all, We just deployed a new API next to the existing one: http://thethingsnetwork.org/api/v0.1/ It is somewhat simpler than the regular v0 API, but that should also improve the performance....
View ArticleREST API: get your node data
Looks OK to me for basic application development. Just wondering if there is already a general agreement on what the v1 API will look like? Is there some internal discussion within the TTN core team,...
View ArticleREST API: get your node data
Version 1 of the backend will have a pub/sub API that allows you to subscribe to messages from your application's nodes. On top of that API you/we/anyone can build a handler that stores this data in a...
View ArticleMultiTech M.Dot Node challenges and opportunities
OTAA join is used for the AEP (Node-RED) Conduit.Regarding AT+TXCHI think this only available in USA where they can select a give channel from end node
View ArticleSingle Channel Gateway Configuration node to node
Can anyone help me to set and understand how to use RN2483 when sending to another node without a gateway?
View ArticleTTN UNO - BETA release - Documentation
You have to use 'mac tx uncnf 1 313233' to send uncomfirmed data with port '1' and a payload of '123'
View ArticleSingle Channel Gateway Configuration node to node
The RN2483 is not designed for direct node-to-node communication. If you just want to use LoRa modulation to get a long range without using a LoRaWAN gateway you might want to have a look at these for...
View ArticleInexpensive LoRaWAN Gateway option
Added it to the TTN Wiki: http://thethingsnetwork.org/wiki/Hardware/OverviewGatewaysPlease improve if you have more information.
View ArticleSoftware Defined Radio and The Things Network
Wienke, I'll think SoDeRa is a new kid on the block with a very promising future. It's currently shown on MWC and with the Open Source roots, combined with Canonical backing, this thing has the...
View ArticleSoftware Defined Radio and The Things Network
And what do you think are the risks of such a technology? You can become a serious radio pirate with this device. E.g. will this device pass FCC?
View ArticleSingle Channel Gateway
Hi Thomas, Please can you provide a break down of what can be achieved using the 1 to 1 gateway approach. I ve been testing RN2483 point to point , driven directly over USB from a PC application that...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi LoRaWAN Gateway Board
IMG_2536.JPG1224x1632 360 KB IMG_2537.JPG1632x1224 368 KB TTN gateway active in The Hague @ the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag I'm very pleased with result if I say so myself Next step will be doing tests...
View ArticleLORANK 8 + SX1272 nodes
We have a LORANK 8 gateway (1DEE100351CDBFBC) up and running in Houten and two SX1272 Raspberry nodes. I can get the nodes to communicate bidirectional with eachother, but can't manage to deliver or...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi LoRaWAN Gateway Board
Great! Should we pull the trigger on assembling more of these as designed?
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