Hi Erik,
Thx for the reply, that was indeed the document where I tried to find the info (seemed most logical indeed). Thanks to Jac I found out that the information is actually in the RN2483 datasheet.
I tried to reset the module by connecting pin 1 (reset) shortly to pin 28 (gnd) (pictail interface). This seemed to work because I got a response in my terminal window: "RN2483 0.9.5 Mar 24 2015 14:15:33
", so I do actually get a response from the RN2483 via the USB-Serial. Also when I type characters I see the RX LED blinking, so my keystrokes do make it to the board also.
This however didn't get me a working module: I would expect when I type a command like "sys reset" the characters would be echoed back and the RN2483 would be reset? I also tried sending break-U to trigger the auto baud feature, but nothing much seems to happen.
Also tried the tip from Jac by pulling TX (pin 21) down and sending a U (0x55 right?) right after that to no avail. (Realterm did show "nul", so that was probably a reset. So what am I overlooking / what's the secret of this nice little module?