Hi all, I've tested a Kerling using a very small Node with a minimal antenna and I've got signal from 1.5 Km in NLOS.
Anyway as radio amateur with a bit of experience in antenna and radio communication, I can say that the overall performance of any radio transmission is influenced at leat by two factors:
- transmitter power and efficiency (kind of antenna)
- receiver gain
I did not yet tested a downstream to a node, but I'm afraid it will be the hardest part of the job. This because the node has typically a very small, low gain, antenna and the transmitter can't increase the power over certain limit. It will be very hard to let the node receive something from the same position.
So, to be sure to have the best conditions we need to install the antenna as much higher as possible, not forgetting the cable loose (from the gateway to the antenna): better to use a very good coax cable.