I have tried this, but the application that I use for work requires JRE7 (only) and installing 8 broke it. I've never bothered to investigate why, so I'm using a Windows VM for anything that requires JRE8
Btw : tonight I bypasses the Mbili by hooking up the lorabee directly to a usb/serial converter: same results (no successful upgrade via the bootloader).
This is the sketch I've been using in various variations. I've tried changing the speed of both ports at 19200 and 57600. Also I've tried changing the pipe from "loraSerial.write((char)debugSerial.read())" to "loraSerial.write(debugSerial.read())" (and of course match the corresponding
#include <Sodaq_RN2483.h>
#define debugSerial Serial
#define loraSerial Serial1
void setup()
void loop()
while (debugSerial.available())
while (loraSerial.available())