I'am writing from Argentina, and we are interest in investigate and develop new products based in Lora communication paradigm.
The problem is that there is no possibility to get the needed hardware in our market, so we have to get it from the US. My boss is traveling to California so I am rushing to get a list of a minimal start up system.
So far I have read the Lora specification, and a lot of topics from here and from
In Arg we got the free band in 915Mhz so I have planed to get two HopeRF RFM95W as nodes.
So, if you could help me, I have some questions:
1) this type of node, have a buid-in microcontroller? or do I have to plug it into a PIC or Arduino?
2) if so, do I need a dev board to program it?
3) if non of the others, do you recommend me another one which is more centralized?
And, my mayor problem... the getaway:
as we have not any experience with Lora (and the community in Arg is also quite small), it has no sense for us to buy a 1000-1500USD 8ch multitech getaway, so we are going with the DIY ones..
I understand that those are quite custom, and in case of been only 1ch, it wont fulfill the entire specification, but.. it worth the try anyway?
If so, I have an almost answered question:
A getaway is as simple as a transceiver (as the one mentioned) + a powerful system, (like a raspberry or similar?) + some modified version of the Lora stack?
I have in mind something like this:
Summarizyng: a HopeRF RFM95W + RPI B+ + the mentioned stack in that wiki will do for a minimal
Sorry for the long thread but you will make me a huge favor helping me out! I promise in exchange to share all my progress from this part of the world!!
Thanks in advance.