Hi All,
I have chosen LoraWAN to be the backbone of a collection of cloud services to integrate with my Virtualbreadboard embedded development software tool.
Over the coming days I will be releasing a Virtual RN2483 device as part of Virtualbreadboard
To support this I created a Lora Network/Application server which I invite you to use to do some Lora device testing. This also helps me with testing this initial version of the server.
Why it might be interesting is the otaa support. Actually the server only supports otaa at the moment.
What's supported right now
* Otaa Activation
* Confirmed Uplink Messages
* Unconfirmed Uplink Messages
* Unconfirmed Downlink Messages
The front end (where you can create devices, view and send messages ) is:
The backend ( the address you use in the gateway ) is:
vbbiot.cloudapp.net, 1680
Its only been tested using the basic semtech packet forwarder on the Raspberry Pi so it's only compatible with that protocol
Here is a quickstart tutorial:
Here is the source of the test application from the tutorial:
* Only the last 100 messages are remembered and they are not persisted
* The device state is not yet persisted between server restarts
* Gateways are not yet tracked
* No API/MQTT/WebSocket access yet but its coming
* No activation by personalisation
* No smarts yet - dynamic data etc
* The purpose is really just short term testing sessions Join : Send/Receive : Quit
Thanks for your feedback!