FAQ - Kerlink Gateway
And just to build on this - there was a good reason to. If you're hosting one of these behind a domestic network connection (in the UK, at least), there's a very high likelihood that you're using a...
View ArticleKPN komt achter TTN aanhobbelen, samenwerking mogelijk?
shouldnt the discussion be in English?
View ArticleUse Cases in Agriculture
Hi, does anyone knows any real Use Case / Applications of LoRa / TTN in Agriculture?
View ArticleKPN komt achter TTN aanhobbelen, samenwerking mogelijk?
Yes we probably should. The reason I continued in Dutch was because it was about some issues in the local Dutch media.
View ArticleWater temperature monitoring at a farm
Awesome! How is the date used? Does the farmer have an app?
View ArticleUse Cases in Agriculture
Well. I can think of a few things: Put a sensor in the ground near the roots of a plant. You can measure several things there: water, temperature soil quality, ph values. measure the light intensity...
View ArticleSingle Channel (Low Cost) Gateway
For us not so knowledgeable in telecommunications and signals stuff (I'm more on the software side), what are the drawbacks of such approach?I guess that you'd have a reduced bandwidth, or maybe less...
View ArticleLoRaWAN shield for Arduino UNO?
I meet the people who developed the shield from Froggy Factory and it is LoRa not LoRaWAN and specifically they have developed a protocol called LoRa Fabian. So I am not too sure if this can be...
View ArticleTTN UNO - BETA release - Documentation
You can always set up netcat UDP port listening for debugging in any linux server: nc -u -l -p 3333 and try to configure your gateway to send packages to this server in addition to TTN endpoint... it...
View ArticleWater temperature monitoring at a farm
The plan is to use the data to tune the amount of water that is used in the heath exchanger. The data is exported to Excel for the farmer to process, that works well in this phase of the experiment.
View ArticleSingle Channel (Low Cost) Gateway
It's certainly feasible. You could tune the transmission speed (SF) to ensure that all nodes can reach the gateway, and then fix the setup at that speed. All nodes are then required to use that SF....
View ArticleSODAQ - TATU - PinMode
I'm looking for a pinsheet for the SODAQ Tata, I'm especially interested in the Rx Tx Pins as I'm trying to retrieve information from the external GPS BEE. [Edit] just recieved a pinsheet doc from the...
View ArticleKPN komt achter TTN aanhobbelen, samenwerking mogelijk?
You're right, sorry. I even started this conversation in Dutch! But we should not exclude the rest of the world or force them to use Google translate and try to understand
View ArticleCreating a team
This is the invite sent out for the meeting on Wednesday the 11th Beste allemaal, Naar aanleiding van de enthousiaste gesprekken die Matthijs en ik de afgelopen tijd met jullie hebben gevoerd over het...
View Article[updates] Community pages
The part-up community started a tribe for TTN: https://part-up.com/thethingsnetwork
View ArticleUse Cases in Agriculture
With the Lab-on-a-chip technology the usecases are numerous! Everything that needs to be monitored or delivers (open) data for further advancement can continuously send it's data over TTN and be used.
View ArticleKPN komt achter TTN aanhobbelen, samenwerking mogelijk?
Apart from KPN in NL, do we know of other telecompanies who are working on a lora network in other countries?
View ArticleUse Cases in Agriculture
@flavio just a passing thought, it would be interesting to see what computer vision could do for monitoring growth rates, and plotting growth performance over time.. I 'm pretty sure over a few...
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