After some time spent reading TTN architecture data (, I have some questions to ask.
First, on the wiki, there is not a single word about brokers/network servers and their role on OTAA for instance, what let me guess that this will be handled by TTN infrastructures (which seems logical since they have the per-application address range and I don't really think that data rate, frequencies, ... must be handled by custom brokers). At least, it's what I think when reading the wiki.
But if reading the TTN RFC pdf, there is the notion of broker and network server handling OTAA, so here is my question: has an association working on large TTN network deployment and custom handlers & applications servers, what should I really implement to be able to work with TTN ? only handlers & app servers ? or do I have to care about brokers and network servers ?
Basically, I think that brokers & network servers should be handled by TTN routers / cloud since they have the per-application address ranges, and would probably have a better management of RF-related data (data rate, frequencies, mac command, ...).
In this case, I don't even see the point of having per-application address ranges ? if otaa is used, then packet could just me routed using TTN routing table [temp address -> app -> custom handler], right ?
Many thanks in advance,
Btw, I'm not a super experimented LoRaWan/TTN user yet, so, stay cool if I said something wrong
I found this post from Johan : where I understand that routers will only push messages via mqtt on handlers. So in this case, what format will have & what data will be inside this message ?